

Hot Diggity Doogan O’Lenihan


06/19/01 – 07/27/13


Doogie was a pure-bred Soft Coated Wheaten.  Luckily for us, the breeder knew from the start that Doogie wouldn’t be a show dog; his legs were too long, his ears were to big, and his stance was too high. Thus, we were able to bring him home as a puppy and he ran around our house for 12 years.  He was loyal, spirited, funny and kind of nutty.  Doogie brought lots of joy into our home and he is greatly missed.








Doogie liked to visit folks where I worked… 



Doogie liked red and silver Audi TT’s equally 🙂



Fifty pound lap dog…


One of my favorite pictures…


He loved to burrow his snout in the snow… 


He loved to swim… 




I didn’t do it…   It was somebody else…

